Thousands of default space and equipment standards for healthcare planning. The default spaces use the BIM objects. The BIM tools use the default spaces to automate the creation of project specific BIMs from data.
Medical equipment objects are the “ingredients” and BIM Templates are the “recipes” of what goes into room types defined by VA and DoD in SEPS. There are a fixed number of room types which can then be customized per project in SEPS to create infinite variations. Although the creation of BIM project rooms can be done manually by selecting medical equipment objects and placing them in a room, the power of data and BIM using SEPS is the automation of the BIMs. The BIM templates capture the default “recipes” of rooms and are the basis for automating the creation of project room types based on what comes out of SEPS. The result is there is a one to one match in what comes out of SEPS to what is in the BIM and the designer can spend more time on the more challenging task of resolving the design.
SEPS defines spaces and associated medical equipment in the criteria and then creates project specific output that can change the default values of spaces and associated equipment to support the needs of specific healthcare facilities.
The default spaces and equipment from SEPS is catalogued in a series of static BIM templates in Revit and Onuma System. The default templates are the basis for creating automated BIMs from the SEPS data.
VA has ~200 BIM templates
DoD MHS has ~100 BIM templates
in addition, automatically generated templates with objects can generate infinite variations of spaces and equipment.
Every year VA works on the update of a series of Department standards. As part of this guide plates are created and BIM Templates for selected spaces are created. Using BIM for department updates started in 2015 with the intent that each year as new department updates occur, more BIM templates will become available. In addition to the department update BIMs a series of BIM Templates for previously created departments and spaces started in 2015. Below are the current static BIM Templates that serve as the baseline for dynamic BIM templates updated live by SEPS data. The templates are available in multiple formats:
If detailed BIM Objects at LOD ’C’ are not available, a bounding box with the correct dimensions for that piece of equipment is auto-generated. The bounding box object can be placed in a space and still be used to confirm fit. Data about the equipment from the MILSTD 1691 can still be associated with the object.
In this example a space may include both LOD ’B’ and LOD ’C’ equipment either arranged or placed in the space. The BIM is fully usable for planning and design and the bounding box objects can be replaced with detailed objects when they are available.
SEPS Master Tables define the default space and equipment information for spaces. This LOD, creates the right space size, and stacks the correct BIM objects in that space. The space and objects are ready to be used by the designer to arrange the space. This BIM Template can be auto-generated.
As design decisions are made on the default equipment and arrangement in a space, BIMs are saved and posted as static BIM templates. These static BIM templates are also the basis for future auto updates or project specific templates driven by changes to SEPS or project input.
The SEPS database manages all the criteria for spaces and equipment. Changes to criteria happen on a constant basis. Now that SEPS is web enabled and accessible the data from the SEPS Master Tables can be used as the source of truth to drive BIM templates as well as project BIMs.
BIM Space templates have levels of development in the layout of the spaces and the use of objects within the space. The SEPS data can auto-generate spaces and equipment even if a space or equipment did not previously exist. As department standards are updated and the BIMs of these spaces are delivered to VA, the LOD will increase. Over time as changes happen to SEPS it is possible to update the templates from the changed data.
Here they are.... all the templates
Select the Spaces Below to view in a web browser and export to other applications such as Revit and SketchUp, or to create Excel files.
info about these >>>>>>
The plan below is a sample of the type of BIM Spaces and Equipment that can be created from SEPS.